Falling or Pushed onto the Political Sword? - 3rd Analysis – 9 June 2019

1) "I, Michael T. Flynn, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same."

2) "I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

3) Note the key phrase: "l will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." @GenFlynn's allegiance to that oath is the reason he was targeted by the worst cabal of domestic enemies this nation has ever seen.

4) The truth is that there is no way to comprehend the history of the US during the last 30 years of the previous century and the first 20 years of this one, without following the rise of that cabal over Washington. It is the greatest concentration of power in all of history.

5) @POTUS signed on to take this cabal down. Among so many other factors, that is the reason why he and @GenFlynn became such great friends, allies in the greatest domestic battle in American history outside The Civil War and our Revolution of 1776.

6) Other than the great cabal, there is no way that @GenFlynn could have been targeted and ousted in such a short period of time. You have to hand it to them; they know how to use power for their purposes. They know against whom, and how to target their efforts. They are not stupid.

7) A small theory must be put forward. The cabal thought it would leap from @GenFlynn to @realDonaldTrump. It failed in this. Hallelujah. Failing, its secondary purpose, and a very adequate one for them, is to silence @GenFlynn. Our next step will NOT be mere theory.

8) @GenFlynn is, and by far, the greatest support @POTUS could possibly have had. Removing him from @POTUS has been one of the greatest victories the cabal has enjoyed since the catastrophe - to them - of 2016. That he has been made silent since is clearly their objective.

9) Now back to pure theory. The nature of one's own relationship to @POTUS, unless you’re @GenFlynn, is always tenuous. You're only as good as your next disaster when you're instantly out. No one remembers your last great contribution.

10) How many of those surrounding and supporting @POTUS have taken the oath that @GenFlynn took? Some - and that's part of why he loves his generals - but not many. I put forward that their fight against the cabal, domestic enemies, is almost the last thing on their minds.

11) Perhaps they're aware of it in general, but when it comes to the specific of giving @GenFlynn's voice back, well, it's just hard for me to imagine that can be anywhere on their priority list. Their own positions are so vulnerable at all times. Why go out on such a limb?

12) And that brings me to our mission. Letting go of any fine points of law or honor, @GenFlynn should be given his voice back now. Today. I'm serious about that. A small digression will strengthen the point.

13) When I started volunteering in 2016, I developed a small maxim: In an election, minutes = votes. What I meant by this was that we literally did not have one minute to lose. I found everyone scurrying, hurrying, but so often wasting days and weeks without gaining votes.

14) People simply did not know how to judge the value of one minute's effort, toward victory. The greatest exception to that general lack of intensity and judgment, was @GenFlynn. From the first moment we met, until victory night, he never wasted a single minute of the fight.

15) I came to believe that the cabal understood my principle. I believe they think in terms of news minutes - who controls the story, the narrative - and in terms of votes, person by person. Now back on topic...and that's why they HAD to target @GenFlynn.

16) Once again, I have the honor to enter the story, personally. One of the things we found, in 2016, was that the veteran vote had not been adequately mobilized. Thanks on this go out to @JoshuaMacias, @Al_Baldasaro, @MattVets and @ShoebobCarey. Many others too as you'd imagine.

17) Here's what we found. We needed more rallies - and especially those targeted at Veteran Communities - than @realDonaldTrump could perform. Guess what? @GenFlynn knows how to rally the troops. Now, one more data point. Lock Her Up.

18) Coming out of the convention, the cabal knew that, as much as they hated @GenFlynn, they'd underestimated him. His ability to rally the convention was second only to @realDonaldTrump. You may believe me when I say...they noticed.

19) Oh, how delicious it must be to them to have this hero, our greatest warrior voice, silent, silent, and silent some more. Minutes count. Every minute @GenFlynn must remain silent is a victory for the cabal. Which brings me all the way back to our mission, here in social media.

20) It's our job to make a ruckus. We're kind of a mob. We're not orderly and calm. We get all riled up. Honor to us. That's our job. We're supposed to be fighting mad. We're supposed to surround the jail and demand our man be given back to us, to hoist up on our shoulders.

21) Between the law, and justice, we lean toward justice. We love #RuleOfLaw, but we see how the law can be perverted and revert, therefore, to our common sense of justice itself, something lawyers tend to laugh scornfully about. We demand justice for our hero.

22) It is on these bases that we appeal to @POTUS, please, #PardonFlynnNow from this unjust prosecution/persecution. Every minute of his silence is a loss to our cause. Every minute of his suffering is an unbearable burden, and worse, a burden placed upon the best among us.

23) And here's an appeal to all those folks that surround @POTUS in the White House. Please, allow him to gain back his greatest friend and ally. Support our cause. Flip this story from bad to good. Support our request to #PardonFlynnNow, please.

24) Please consider. A great hero falls on his political sword, under a burden no American should ever suffer. He does so for his leader, and for the redemption of America's destiny, which has been threatened by the most powerful people in world history. Who saves him?

25) In our story, @POTUS saves @GenFlynn. This is more thrilling than Arthur and Lancelot. A great collective sigh of relief will rise up from patriotic #MAGA America. Rejoicing will sweep the land. It will be a great moment in American history.

26) Friends, it's our job here in mob-style social media, to propagate that story forward, so that even those who walk the halls of our national palace hear of it. A great cry and hue from the people. A swell that crescendos so that no one can fail to hear it.